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31 May 2007

Baby's Got Hair

Bix was born with more hair than a lot of 1-year-olds (or even grandpas) have. She has this great curly hair that grows more out than down. Being one of those people who always wanted curls, I am glad to have them vicariously through my daughter.
Her hair isn't really getting in the way of anything, but then accessories are more about form than function.
What do you think of the flower?

30 May 2007

Charles Nelson Reilly

Not everyone will understand, perhaps only my sister, me and a handful of others who were raised on the fabulous game shows of the 70s. It is a sad day when we note the passing of a comic genius...Charles Nelson Reilly.
As a 5-year-old I could not fathom anything funnier than CNR (except maybe Paul Lynde...but that is another story entirely) It will now be up to me to help Bix understand the comic nuances that made CNR so hil-ar-ious.
Fortunately for us all, Match Game airs daily on Game Show Network at 8:00am and 2:30 pm CST Monday through Friday. Please help us pay homage to one of the best...

29 May 2007

Smile and the world smiles with you

This "snap" (as Too-too calls them) was taken back in March when Bix was only a month old. Already she knew what it was like to be totally full of joy. We hope that when you see it, you smile from ear to ear too. Have a happy day!

28 May 2007

Memorial Day

While there isn't really anything to say...I just wanted to have a blog with more than one post.
Remember, it is never to early to start reading to your children...and never to early to have them read to you.
God bless America!

27 May 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

We have decided to try blogging to show you how Bix is growing and changing (and doing goofy things) So instead of loading up your inbox with photos, we will just send out the occasional update to come check out the blog. I am not a great writer so there won't be many clever and witty tales of motherhood and babyhood, but I will try my best to make you smile.
As we take vacation, have bar-b-ques and sleep late this weekend. Let's remember the brave heroes who have served our country and sacrificed so much. If you know someone who is serving or has served call or write them...thank them, appreciate, and love them. I want to especially thank my grandfather who gave the ultimate and my father and father-in-law who proudly served. Thank you, thank you...oh, you know it.