Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: April 2008

30 April 2008

Busy Girl

Always on the go...Bix doesn't dilly-dally. This gal has things to do, people to see!

29 April 2008

Work It Girl

Bix has so many cute clothes, she can hardly wear everything before she outgrows them. This fashionable little spring ensemble is courtesy of Aunt Liz.

Thanks Auntie!

28 April 2008

Cold Water

The temperature still hasn't really gotten high enough for swimming, but that doesn't stop Bix...or does it?

25 April 2008

Dinner With the Girls

...and Charlie.

It had been too long since we got together, so Stacey, Michelle, and I finally did it. And no dinner experience would be complete without a 14 and 11-month-old. I must say both were very well behaved and ate like adults (volume-wise that is). They charmed everyone in the place.

24 April 2008


Bix loves the giggles, but you wouldn't know it from this picture. Maybe she is tired of Mommy saying "cheese" all the time...seriously.

23 April 2008

Every Day is Mardi Gras

Well, that's what Bix thinks at least.

Maybe she finally found her weight limit on beads...this pile knocked her right over.

22 April 2008

Look Out Esther Williams

Bix is advancing very she is doing the backstroke.

21 April 2008

Swimming Time

It really isn't warm enough yet, but we couldn't keep Bix out of the pool any longer. Thank goodness Stacey has a hot tub...Bix loves the "bubbles."

18 April 2008

Late Night Chatter

Midnight...not usually the time Bix is up-and-at-'em. Last night was an exception, but how can you get upset when she is this fun?!

16 April 2008

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

Bix is learning the meaning of so many things. Here she demonstrates "up" and "down". (ok, and a little side-to-side)

15 April 2008

Tax Day

Our little write-off...

14 April 2008

Crawfish Boil

A beautiful spring day, a few friends, and a screaming good deal on crawfish make for a perfect Sunday afternoon.

Daddy cooked them up (Bix didn't get too close)

and we all ate them.

Later Laurie taught Bix how to say uh-uh to the dog.

And then of course there was dancing.

11 April 2008


Love it or hate, you can't deny it...Wal-Mart has everything. Well, maybe not everything, but if they have it, you know it is cheaper than anywhere else.
All that aside...whether we are browsing or buying, Bix LOVES it. There is stuff and people everywhere!

Today we bought several things plus we checked out a swing that Stacey is thinking about buying...Bix gives it a thumbs up. What do you think?

10 April 2008

Here Comes the Sun

Well, we may have had an inch of rain, and a thunder and lightening storm that tore down big branches and small trees, but Bix couldn't have told you. Our little ray of sunshine sleeps more soundly than her mommy AND daddy, and wakes up every morning with a smile on her face.

(maybe we all would if we slept 13 hours a night...)

09 April 2008

Here Comes the Bride

Saturday had everything you need for a perfect wedding.

Lovely flowers.

A gorgeous (and delicious) cake.

Stunning (if I do say so myself) tables.

An amazing Spring day.

A beautiful bride.

And most importantly...a couple that is truly prepared to "ride off into the sunset" together...

We love you Auntie B and Uncle Casey!

08 April 2008

Need Your Input

Auntie B is away in Argentina for her honeymoon so we need some help with the comments. She always has something to say, and it helps us know that someone is out there. Drop us a "hi"...Bix is looking forward to hearing from you. OK, back to eating...

07 April 2008

We're Back

Bix was home all weekend, but her Auntie B was getting married down in the Hill Country that is why there haven't been any updates.
Bix had a great time with Stacey, and even made a bunch of new friends.

When we got home, Bix let us have it. She said "Mommy & Daddy, I had a pretty dress all picked out for Auntie B's should have let me go."

03 April 2008

April Showers

Bix is ready for the rain, and of course she is ready in a shiny gold slicker.

That Bix...are all her coats JLo fabulous?!

02 April 2008


That is what you hear every time the phone rings or whenever Bix picks up a real phone, play phone, remote control, musical toys or basically anything close to she shape/size of a phone. Here she is talking to the remote...