Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: October 2009

31 October 2009

Happy Halloween

Bix was ready to get some more mileage out of her pumpkin costume.

Fi was festive in a candy corn hat.

We went up and down several streets in our neighborhood, and Bix made lots of new friends.

We all had a great time, but at the 2 hour mark Bix was ready to go home.  (No more pictures please.)

She wanted to hurry up and check out all her loot...nice haul.

30 October 2009

No Rest for the Weary

Fi really shouldn't be this awake and alert at 3am...

her mother certainly isn't.

Fall Festival

Seems like the "Autumn"-themed party is today's answer to Trick-or-Treating.  That was ok with Bix.  She had a great time dressing up,

playing games, and getting candy.

Bix' favorite friend from school was there too.  She and Finley make quite the team.

The girl did not want to leave.

Poppo bought her a hot dog on the way out, and all was well.

Fi stayed with Grandma at home and rocked the striped hat.

27 October 2009

Playmates for Life

Bix and Fi are having lots of fun playing together.  Oh, how I love seeing the girls bonding.

Bix, Fi's head is not a ball of any kind.

Hmmm...Fi isn't quite sure about Bix man-handling her like that.  (Get used to it sister)

25 October 2009

Fun at the Park

Bix had a blast with Daddy at the park.  The slides, cars, bridges, and monkey bars are great, but the swings were the highlight today.

All the running around really makes a girl thirsty.  (Is that Fi in her stroller behind Bix?)

Top off all the excitement with a sno-cone...strawberry of course.

21 October 2009

A Long Week

It is amazing how slowly time ticks by when you are awake for almost all of it.  Fi is a really good eater and sleeper, but she likes doing that mostly during the day.  Late at night or early in the morning is usually when you can find her waving to the camera.

While we are on the topic of sleeping...Bix has taken a turn for the better when it comes to sleeping through the night all by herself.  Three nights in a row for our big girl!  She has the tea set to show for it, and I am looking forward to her getting back to her old habits.  (Yes, that is chocolate in the corners of her mouth)

14 October 2009

First Walk

Bix took Fi out for her first walk around the block today.

She was very excited, and wanted to do it "all by myself".

Fi was not quite as enthralled but had a good time as well.

09 October 2009

Welcome Home

Bix was very excited to welcome her sister home.

We have been enjoying a total lovefest.

We are looking forward to lots more visitors and lots more snuggling.  Thank you all for your prayers, well wishes, and assistance...we are continually grateful.

07 October 2009

Almost home. Day 3

Fi with her updated hat.

06 October 2009

Day 2

A few more pics from day two.

05 October 2009

Fiona is here

Everything went well. Fiona Kerry and Mom are doing wonderful. She weighed in at 6lbs 10oz and is 19in tall.  Here are a few pics and I will post more tomorrow. Keith

04 October 2009

Birth Day

"Sister" is arriving tomorrow!!! Here is a preview of what you can expect...

We will fill you in with all the important information like her name, weight, length, time she was born etc. And of course we will be posting lots of pictures.