Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: June 2011

30 June 2011

Cosmic City

The theme of VBX this year has our kids exploring space and learning all about how awesome God is!  We have been having such a great time, I haven't had a chance to take many pictures.  I was able to catch Bix and her friend Gracie enjoying lunch this afternoon.

20 June 2011

A Trip to the Dentist

Bix had her first visit to the dentist today.  She was very excited, and quite a good patient.  

She was ready to open wide and get to work.  When the hygienist counted Bix' teeth, we realized she is 2 shy of normal.  That is why there is such a big gap...

We had a little down-turn of emotion during the x-rays.  With the combination of the heavy apron and not being able to get the film in the right position, we finally settled with one shot.  (But we were able to see that she has the buds for all her adult teeth).

When it was time for the cleaning, Bix asked for some shades.

That light is seriously bright.

 Bix assisted by holding the vacuum.

When it was all over, she was all smiles.  (The promise of a new toothbrush and a toy from the Treasure Chest didn't hurt).

19 June 2011

Happy Fathers' Day

We had a fantastic day!  We celebrated Daddy with hand and fingerprints (among other things).

Then it was off to see Grandma and Poppo, and go for a refreshing swim.  We gave Poppo these swim trunks, and then took his favorite shot of the day (possibly the year).

There was lots of splishing...

 and splashing!

 Daddy and his girls.

 Dinner was a festival of fried treats and delicious burgers.

Happy sisters with full tummys.

Fathers' Day doesn't get any better than this.

14 June 2011

Hooray for the Red, White & Blue!

Our Flag Day was fun-filled and festive.  How was yours?

13 June 2011

Flag Day

Flag Day is celebrated on June 14th. It was inspired by decades of state and local celebrations, Flag Day – the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 – was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson’s proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day.
Get out there and wave the Stars and Stripes.  That's our plan for the day.  Yea, America!

12 June 2011


They make me grin...

All the time.

Love the unique


08 June 2011

More From the Lake

We had so much fun while visiting HSV.  There was riding on Poppo's boat!

 Each girl took a turn at the wheel.

 Of course there was swimming off the side of the boat.

Even Archie gave that a try.

More swimming...

And "diving".

The girls rode "Mama Cass" style to the Last Chance.

Bix attempted a pony-ride for Fi.

The girls clearly share their mom's love for the camera.

There was lots of relaxing.

 And lots of lovin'.

07 June 2011


The girls were so excited to see their cousin this weekend.  It seemed like the only thing Fi had to say was "Aah-chie" or sometimes it was "Aah-chie...AAH-chie!!!"

Other times it was "where Aah-chie?"

Bix was totally into him too.

But she had other things to do pose.

 Fi wanted all Archie all the time. (who can blame her)

Bix likes being the oldest, and taking care of the little ones.  Even aboard ship she was looking out for Archie-kins.

We were all sad to see him leave, but I think Archie will miss his cousins just as much.