Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: November 2011

29 November 2011

Cousin Christmas

Since we won't be together for the big day, we let the kids exchange Christmas gifts early.  Bix was jazzed about Strawberry Shortcake.

A doll that actually plays peek-a-boo was a huge hit with Fi.

Archie was totally into his Cookie Monster keyboard, but was understandably keeping a close watch on his cousin Fi. (she likes to take things from him)

How cute are these these three in their matching reindeer pjs?

As you can see, it is difficult to get the whole trio to look at the camera.

Seriously...these girls are loud.

Who?  Me?

Yes.  You.  Totally.

But we just really, really love you.

Our Christmas is merry already.

27 November 2011

Thankful Thanksgiving

So many things to be grateful for...I can't even begin to name them.
We had a lovely "Thanksgiving Week" with cousin Archie and his folks.  Bix loves to love on her cousin.

I think we can all agree that Grandma is Arch's favorite.

Who are we kidding...she's everyone's favorite. (and who can blame them)

Auntie B made sure to get plenty of squeezes.

From both of her girls.

So thankful we got to spend the day with Aunt Liz!

Bix needed a few moments of alone time.

Fi, meanwhile, was trying to give Arch some sweet kisses.

I think the smile on his face means that Grandma "rescued" him from his cousin's love.

What comes next?  After all that turkey, stuffing, and fun?

Pie and ice cream!!!  With EXTRA whipped cream, of course.

After all that eating...we all had to kick-back and relax.

Then it was time to hit the stores for "Black Friday" shopping!  

OK, not really, but don't these two look ready to hunt down some bargains?

16 November 2011

Fashion Classics

Striped Tights.

Buffalo Plaid.  Two things that never really go out of style.

I wouldn't try them together in one outfit though.

13 November 2011

Bye-Bye Archie

We had a great time, but the fun had to end.  Bix and Archie were able to squeeze in a quick breakfast before they had to head home.

We miss you already, but are looking forward to seeing you very soon.

12 November 2011

More Fun With Archie

The cousins played together again today!  Well, what they were doing looked mostly like this...

Fi was busy grillin'.

Bix loves playing with Archie!

Inside Fi took the opportunity to tell Archie what to do.  Bix announced it was time to play "Princess."

Prince Archie rescued the fair-maidens.

They all lived happily ever after.

Or at least until about 6:30...that's Prince Charming's bedtime.

11 November 2011

Thank You Veterans

On this special day we take time out to thank the men and women who have given so much.  I also wanted to say a special thanks to one of our favorites.

Thank you Poppo.  And Thank you to all the veterans who make days like this possible.

10 November 2011

Thanksgiving Parade

This year Bix wasn't a Pilgrim or an Indian.  She got to be a...

The whole class was dressed and ready to go.

You really have to see the costumes in action to appreciate them.

After the parade there was a lovely feast.

Even Fi asked if she could stay.

But once I told her we had to get going to see cousin Archie, she was ready to go.  And who can blame her?

Shortly after our arrival, Grandma was on her way out.  They were both really sad to see her go.

Poppo thought a walk around the block would be a good distraction.  Fi was a big help.

Later, the cousins had a good chat.

Poppo enjoyed the post-walk playtime most of all.

Can't wait to do more of that tomorrow!

06 November 2011

Another Birthday Party

Today it was time for Chuck E. Cheese.  Bix' friend Noah celebrated his big day.

So much fun! (Yes, in case you were wondering, Bix has the remains of her jaguar face still on from yesterday.)

Noah didn't want to go in the "flying ticket" booth alone.  He insisted Bix join him.

They spent most of their time (and tokens) on the roller-coaster-simulator ride.  We couldn't ask for more.

05 November 2011

Happy Birthday to Colt

It was a mighty grrrrrreat day for a parrrrrty.  That's right, Colt's turning 3 and a Pirate party was the plan.  The girls were dressed and ready to go!

Bix was so excited there was a face painter!!!!!  This time she went with a jaguar.

Fi was very interested in watching Bix get her face done, but gave a polite "no thank you" when asked if she cared to be painted.

Here is the pirate/jaguar in captivity...ok, you are right, it is really a bounce house.

Fi found some buried treasure, and an eye patch that never quite stayed on.

This cat had some dirty paws after a yummy cupcake.

Fi had the one with the "X" that marks the spot.  Delish!

Aaaaah, what a fantastic party...

Smiles all around.

Happy Birthday Colt!  Great party Colt's mommy and daddy.  Love y'all!