Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: December 2011

27 December 2011

Merry Merry Christmas

Hope yours was as warm and wonderful as ours...

16 December 2011

Bed Time Stories

Tonight the girls took turns reading to me.  Bix first...

Then Fi...

And sweet dreams to you all.

15 December 2011

Santa's Village

As usual, everything about Santa's Village is sparkly and festive.

Bix was excited to meet and pose with the Cat in the Hat at the North Pole Library

Hanging out with old friends.

Here you see Bix and her elf friends from 2008.

They were new to Fi this year, and she didn't want any elf upstaging her.

Though you can't tell from this photo, the sleigh ride was very fun. (I think the girls were sad they didn't get to sit together)

This is the view from inside Frosty's house.

Neither girl was totally in love with the, Frosty seemed to be experiencing a migraine. (not sure about his helper either)

At the Beary Good Hospital both girls got weighed and measured.

Bix and Fi also spent some time being interviewed for K-ELF TV.

At the North Pole Police Station, McGruff the Crime Dog gave the girls hugs for knowing how to dial 9-1-1.

Bix stopped to pose with Mrs. Claus...Fi got a cookie from her and took off.

 Our little firefighter.

We rested by watching a few musical performances.

Then we headed home...we were all tiered out.  So much fun!

12 December 2011

New Hats

Since it is starting to feel a little bit like winter around here, I figured the girls should have their Christmas hat and mittens sets a little early.

The girls immediately showed us they were good for keeping heads warm, but equally suited for pretending to be puppies.

10 December 2011

Christmas Show

The older preschool kids put on a terrific performance of songs.

They were all decked out in their holiday best, and their biggest smiles.

Bix' class were the horses in the "Happy Birthday Jesus" song.

The concert was followed by a party of cookies, juice and laughter.

Fi thought it was pretty cool to get in on the festivities.

07 December 2011

The Ice Palace

The mall didn't just have Santa sitting in a chair, there was a whole "experience" for the kids.  Starting with comparing your height to that of the polar bear.

"What else do they have here?" 

Hmmm...interesting videos about seals and arctic foxes.

 Pose for a photo on the "Ice Throne."

 And of course there is the SNOW!!!


Our little snow angels.

Looks pretty real to me.

Then, of course, there is Santa.

One last hug.

Plus, a keepsake book to take home.  So much fun was had by all.

05 December 2011

A Visit With Santa

As far as pictures with Santa go, I think this year is pretty good.

Last year was a little more difficult for Fi.

The previous year was just super-sweet.

We had a lot of fun with Santa, as well as Grandma and Poppo, playing on the playground, and lunch at the mall.  You can look for some of those photos next.