Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: January 2012

31 January 2012

Dance Class

Bix was a little distracted by all the parents watching...

30 January 2012

Where Have I Been?

Just oh so busy doing stuff like this...

Bringin' da noise and da funk.

Toasting ourselves.

And of course, pretending to be Cousin Itt.

What have y'all been doing?

23 January 2012


The girls love boots.

And the heels too!

21 January 2012

Dry Ice

Daddy brought some home, and the girls had a great time with it.

So fun...

17 January 2012

Cold Front

Yes, we had quite a temperature swing today.  Good thing I bought the girls winter coats last week.  Scored this one for Fi at 70% off! (Best looking $6.00 coat ever)

Bix won't actually wear a heavy coat, so this mid-weight jacket is perfect. (no, she isn't really cold...just being...Bix)

Tennis Anyone?

Bix was strutting around the house in this headband.  Very Bjorn Borg.


Fi wanted to be like Bjorn too.  We think she is more John McEnroe.

John McEnroe


10 January 2012

New Year...So Busy

Sorry for the absence, but as you will see, we have been very busy lately.
Bix had a trip to the dentist...looking good.

Fi has been busy tending to her new baby. (She is a very good mommy)

They both are.  Always rocking, and holding, and "shushing" their babies.

Both girls know the importance of reading to your children.

Their has been lots of "reading" going on around here.

Playing with friends has also been high on the list of things to do. (Nice Cheetos mustaches ladies)

Fi has evidently been busy testing bathtubs at Wal-Mart.

We also had our Krewe de Roux 12th Night party last week.

So fun!
There has been a lot of football to watch (sic 'em Bears). We have also been cheering for the Saints!

And the Tigers too...

We didn't love the outcome of the game, but we spent a very fun evening with friends. (Thanks Brandon and Angie)

Bix didn't want to take her Tiger paw off today (she is a real fan).  The girls also have been getting lots of quality time in over at Grandma and Poppo's.

Fi has been shopping for a winter coat, and scored this beauty for $5.98 at Target.

We have also been playing Angry Birds (live-action...not the touch screen version).

What has been keeping you busy this first week of 2012?

02 January 2012

A Visit to Aunt Liz'

We had a wonderful day today.  It started with a wonderful lunch that Aunt Liz prepared.


After our bellies were full, Grandma, Too-Too, Aunt Liz, the girls, and I, went on Safari.  Ok, not really, but we did meet some animals.

Fi ate more carrots herself then she fed to the animals.

Bix took to it right away.

Fi wasn't quite ready to get too close.

Happiness is...being held by Grandma.

This is close enough.

Thanks Aunt Liz!

Before we drove home, Too-Too needed to check the score of the Florida Game.

The girls provided commercial entertainment, and continued to celebrate the new year. (Oh, and the Gator win...Too-Too was quite pleased)

01 January 2012

Happy New Year

We rang in the new year with our friends in the Atlantic Time Zone (10pm).  Up until that time, the girls enjoyed the sundae bar...

and of course, the bounce house.

Party hats, noise-makers, beads, sparkling grape juice.  Could it get any better?!

Whew, I guess they needed a break.

Not for long...and we have been moving at this speed ever since.

Hope your New Year celebration was as fun-filled.  We wish you all God's blessings throughout this wonderful year!