Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: September 2012

30 September 2012

Wet Weekend

We had rain and an earthquake (that's right...actually we had two).  Our soccer game was cancelled so we spent most of our time indoors.
Bix made a dollhouse.

Fi had to get outside and try to catch raindrops.

Mommy tried to get out to the store, but...

Needed a little help from Daddy's car.

How was you weekend?

26 September 2012

Ready for Halloween?

I think the girls are...

24 September 2012

Wedding Weekend

We enjoyed a lovely brunch honoring our sweet cousin Megan.

Bix was very excited about the wedding, and said more than once,"I am trying not to cry"  This shot was taken right when they kissed.

Fi loves Megan and Adam just as much as Bix, but her attention span did not quite sustain her through the ceremony.

The happy couple.

All of us with the happy couple.

One of my favorite new photos...

21 September 2012

Sharp Dressers

Fi is sporting 40-year-old jeans with patches.  Yes, these were worn by Mommy and Auntie B!

Bix refers to this as her "adventuring" outfit.

Evidently Fi likes to wear one purple and one pink shoe.  It must add something to the red pants and blue shirt combo.

Bix sporting her "SeattleGrunge" look.  She even has the scowl of a disaffected 20-something circa 1992.

Fi loves her Mickey shirt, but I think she is just about as tall as she can get and still wear it. (she seems to really like pink and purple together these days)

19 September 2012

Fi Loves School

She is ready to go every morning, and marches down the hall.  So confident and self-assured.

Our only slow-down is when she insists on holding the door open for everyone. (I usually have to pry her away from the door)

She is really moving to fast to photograph.  Truly a blur of motion.

She proudly shows-off her froggie.

18 September 2012

Texas Weather

Swimming yesterday.

 Sweatshirt today.

13 September 2012

Decades Dance

Bix had her first school dance tonight.  Of course her sister and her Mom came along...and of course the "decade" we chose was the 80s.

The girls rocked the steps near the stage.  Here there are closing down the party with a little "Don't Stop Believin'" Journey "rocks" and so do these gals. 

06 September 2012

Great Day

Fi, who stopped napping back in April, had to be woken up today when Mommy got to school.  The teachers said she followed instructions, shared, was helpful, and a leader to the other kids.

Of course we had to celebrate Fi's first day of school with a trip to Braum's!

More From the First Day

Fi was all smiles and so proud to be a big girl at school just like big sister.

And of course I couldn't resist the first day comparisons.

Remember though, Fi will be 3 in a month.  For Bix there were another 5 months before her third birthday when this photo was taken.

First Day of School

For Fi...

Yes, she is as proud about it as she looks.

05 September 2012

Rediscovered Toys

It's been awhile since Bix was on the Razor (she is loving her bike so much), and Fi had never had a chance on the four-wheeler with the battery working (we just found it last week)

They even manage to ride it together...which I love.

03 September 2012

Labor Day

We are thinking about Auntie B and her possible "labor day."  Any contractions yet?