Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: December 2012

31 December 2012

Ready for New Year's Eve?

These two fancy girls sure are!

30 December 2012

2 Days Before Christmas

We went to Christmas Eve service on Sunday before Christmas.  That evening we had a birthday party for Jesus.  Of course no birthday party is complete with out some bike riding.


Even Daddy got in on the fun.

Of course we had some "Spider-Man" 

And don't forget the golf.

We all enjoyed a lovely dinner. (pretty fancy "kids' table", huh?)

Happy Birthday to Jesus!!! 

Family fun,

Celebrating the birth of our Savior and Risen Lord,

 That is why we love Christmas!

29 December 2012

Cousin Fun

After a trip to the doctor to confirm Bix' ear infection, we had a great last day with Archie and Eloise.

Before running our errands, Eloise insisted on trying on that cool new hat her cousin made.

Costco was a big hit with all the kids.  Shopping AND can you miss?

This was the biggest commotion she caused all day.

Driving around town with a full minivan.

Last stop...Target!

After the cousins left, the girls consoled themselves with a little dancing with the Disney princesses.

We miss you already Archie and Eloise.  Come back soon!

28 December 2012

Knitting Fun

Bix was so excited about her knitting set.  She insisted her first creation be a hat for her sister.  I think it turned out pretty nice.  What do you think?

27 December 2012

Christmas Wishes

Lots of ours came true this year.  Bix wished for snow on Christmas.  (She told me she prayed to God to give Jesus snow for His birthday)

Auntie B got her fun with Silly String moment.  (I don't think she envisioned so much of it would be on her though)

 All four grandkids...enough said for Grandma and Poppo.

 Bix asked Santa for a knitting set.  Score!

The Hello Kitty bubblegum machine that Fi has been talking about for weeks.

Bix didn't know how much she wanted a LeapPad.  (Good thing CiCi did)

Health, happiness, and family.  We all got what we wanted for Christmas.  Did you?

25 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Hope your day was full of fun and love.  We had snow, and spent the entire day in pajamas.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

24 December 2012

Santa's Village

Everyone's feeling better around here. The girls are getting excited about Christmas, and our trip to Santa's Village added to the fun.

Hooray! Poppo was there too.

We saw Frosty

Got money (lollipops) from the North Pole Bank.  Candy is the true currency of children.

 Visited Mrs. Claus

Got a cookie!

Visited the police station and McGruff

Hello Fire Chief Bix

The Cat in the Hat was at the Library

We also spotted the Grinch

Oh what fun it is to ride on a no-horse sleigh


There is always something to see on Daddy's shoulders

Merry Christmas to Y'all

19 December 2012

Sick Day

The cold and flu season has struck our house.  What about yours?

Glad we have a big couch.

What Else Have We Been Up To?

We have had a little bit of cold weather. (Not enough to require Fi to wear long pants evidently)
Birthday party fun!

The Sound of Music with Finley!

Craft time.

Nice bejeweled belly-button Fi.

Fish fry with the McDs.

What a crew.

Then it got a little chilly again, and the girls got new hats.

Fi has to say "hi" to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph everyday after school.

Bix is conquering her fear of heights.

Any kind of weather is bike-riding weather.