Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: January 2013

31 January 2013

Happy Birthday Poppo

So much fun celebrating.  We started out with some golf in the backyard.

Bix patiently waited her turn.

Then it was time for dinner of Grandma's Stroganoff (Poppo's favorite)...then presents!

The girls were very interested in the presents.  This one was the hat we knitted.

Fi was very excited about the soda. (it's supposed to be used for another Mentos geyser)

Bix helped read some of the cards. (pretty sweet hat, huh?)

Fi helped blow out the candles.

They both helped decorate the cake.

Happiest Birthday Wishes Poppo!  We love you!!! XOXO

Got Goose?

Daddy did.  Actually they got 12.  A great last day of the season helped make up for not seeing many birds this year.  Gumbo anyone?

23 January 2013

Great Day

Chase Oaks

McDonalds...I think that adds up to a pretty good time.

10 January 2013

Off to the Races

The girls love to race...and they both like to win.  You can hear Bix' triumphant laughter in this first clip. (after their near collision)

Wait until Fi is out of the shot to hear her (more subtle) "heh-heh"

Duck Hunting

Daddy has had a little more success lately, and the girls are both quite interested in the birds.
Bix, as you can see, is nurturing.

Fi is slightly more cavalier.

02 January 2013

Super Heroes

We've got two Wonder Women living in our house.

The world is safe...thanks to them (and Aunt Liz)  Look out bad guys!

01 January 2013

Happy New Year!

The girls rang in the new year with Poppo and a Mentos countdown.

Also homemade pizzas with Grandma were part of the fun.

These two went to a dinner party with some friends.

2012 was pretty great.  Wishing you all the best in the new year.  Yay, 2013!