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07 June 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

OK, it is really only 4 months, but it seems like a moment worth celebrating.
We started the day with a trip to the doctor. Weight=15 lbs 1 oz; length=26 in. So according to the CDC Bix is in the 85th percentile for weight and is a tall little girl(at least for now) who is in the 95th percentile for height. Now we also learned that her head has a circumference of 16 inches (they clearly don't measure around the cheeks) this puts her noggin in the 50th percentile.
After getting four shots and an oral vaccine, there was a bit of crying, but the tears quickly subsided and she was overcome with sleepiness.
This happy expression you see in the picture was actually taken late last wasn't a great day for a photo-op.


Anonymous said...

Poor Bixie! All those shots! At least she gets to start on real food today; it's just a short hop from rice cereal to french fries!!

Anonymous said...

love those cheeks! Mrs. Sears

Anonymous said...

I love the smile!! Can't wait to see yall!