Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: Waco

08 October 2007


Yes, after the fever before the rash, we had an exciting trip to Waco. Auntie B drove up from Austin...we drove down from Dallas. Since Auntie B and I spent nearly a collective decade there, we figured it was time to show Bix the sights.
We didn't make it to campus, but we did have lunch at the good ol' Chili's on Valley Mills and then made a quick trip into Drug Emporium ( is still open!)
Bix was still a recovering from the fever and was tuckered out by the end of the day.

We had a terrific time we'll make it to George's for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I have had a fever for two days...I hope I don't break out in a rash, too!

It was a fun day!