Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: Fall Festival

21 October 2012

Fall Festival

The past two weeks have been hampered a bit by a nasty stomach bug, but looks like we are all healthy and back on track.  Just in time for Bix' school carnival!

Bix and Gwen checking out the back of a police cruiser.

The officers even let the girls use the siren!

Kennedy, Bix and Gwen getting sno cones.  Yum!

There were lots of games...with awesome prizes.

Blue tongue.  Guess what flavor sno cone Fi had?

Bean Bag Toss.  Both girls did great.

Spray Away.  They knocked off the golf balls with the water gun.

It took Fi a long time to decide on her many delicious choices.

Surprise visitors!!

Our little pumpkin and scarecrow.

Every good festival ends with a dance party...Gangnam style.

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