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28 June 2007

In the Garden

You have certainly heard about (or seen) all the rain we have been getting here in Texas. It has not been constant though, we get the occasional break. During those moments, Bix and Daddy go out and inspect the explosion of growth in our garden.

Bix likes smelling the flowers...

Bix likes posing with the flowers...

Most of all Bix loves grabbing the flowers...


Poppo said...

A lovely flower child, but be careful of those bees.

Anonymous said...

I hope we can teach Bix that she cannot grab Aunt Betsy's necklace and hair! If not...who cares?! She is the cutest!

And she already loves to pose...just like her mom!

Bix'Mom said...

Yes, she is a natural...ham that is! Always mugging for the camera and laughing that she is sooo funny.

Anonymous said...

WOW, 'em er some cheeks!!! Supercute. And I second Poppo's comment about the bees.