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17 October 2007


Somewhere in the middle of Virginia Bix decided that her new favorite word is "da". Sometimes it is one "da"...sometimes a string of them that lasts for twenty minutes. Of course whenever we get out the camera to document this, she stops. Here is the best we could do for now. (sorry about the dim lighting)

and sorry this took so long to come across...blogger was having problems today.


Anonymous said...

Was she saying Da-Da or Grandpa? It wasn't too clear on my computer

Anonymous said...

I think she said CiCi!

Anonymous said...

So cute...guess what...after our conversation on Saturday about babies saying words...when we got home on Sunday Gianna started with "Mama"! It is the cutest thing but she only says it when I walk away. Boy they learn fast. Like Bix, Da-Da is still her fav!

Anonymous said...

I like it when Bix randomly says, "HI!" Even though it doesn't mean anything YET it is still really cute.

She is going to be a chatty, chatty girl!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is singing songs from her favorite band The Police