Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: Hello

04 December 2012


Yes, I know it has been awhile since there have been any posts.  We have been pretty busy with school, church, and an 11 day trip to Louisiana.  Plus, I have been attempting to get the house cleaned up and decorated for Christmas. is some of what has been going on...

First up...our trip to Baton Rouge.  We arrived at KK's and JB's house just in time for the girls to get a little poker in.

Then it was on to the Chimes, where Bix finally tried alligator (and loved it!)

Hush puppies were also a hit with both girls.

Saturday was Game Day!  The girls couldn't be happier tailgating with JB.

...and everyone else.

Geaux Tigers!

We were able to score some tickets for the girls, and they got their first inside glimpse of Tiger Stadium.

Popcorn AND Tiger football?!  Doesn't get much better.

Oh wait, CiCi bought cotton just did.

It was close at the end, but TIGERS WIN!!!

I hope they had enough bubbles.

Next day was a visit to see Mike.  The real tiger moved about as much as this statue.

"Don't bite me Mike!"


So much fun.

A trip to KK's new office and lunch before we headed back to Shreveport.

Resting up...

We still had 6 more days in Louisiana...

stay tuned for more of the trip...

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