Bix had a great celebration!
The food, (oh, the lure of the cupcake)

the presents, (thanks Aunt Liz and Stacey)

friends, family, (well, there were other people here, but we seemed to only take snaps of the birthday girl)
more food, (thanks for that king cake CiCi and Pops)

and more presents. (Too-Too, Poppo, and are
too much)

After we got her cleaned up, Bix wanted to keep on partying.

The party in her tummy evidently continued through the night. At 3:45 am we woke up with a screaming, sick baby. She then also got sick at 5:30, 7:30, (poor thing) and again when we tried a little drink around 10am. Too much partying...we have all been there.
Bix is now taking a nap, and we expect that she will be feeling better, and ready to play with all her new toys this afternoon.