Friday was a long day...Bix was sick several times and never did get the spring back in her step. I was feeling a bit guilty for over indulging her at her party. Alas, my guilt was for naught...on Saturday both Mommy and Daddy became gutwrenchingly ill with the horrible bug that had attacked Bix. I won't go into detail, but we both wanted to die (or at least now we know what dying feels like)
This is about the most we did all weekend...

If it hadn't been for Grandma, I don't think we would have made it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We are starting to feel better, but I think we'll take it easy today, and stick to toast and applesauce.
And Poppo helped too
Yes, Poppo helped too, and now he is helping even more...Grandma has come down with it too. Be strong Poppo, be strong.
Glad you guys are feeling better...I was worried Grandma would get it, too! I hope everyone is healed and things are sterilized by the time your houseguests arrive!
We love you!
Bix looks a little bit perkier than her Mom. I know you felt miserable. One time Keith had it first and then he gave it to us and then we gave it to the entire Homer clan! Not fun. Hope you are feeling better soon. CiCi
Hang in there and get well soon!!
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