Blog Flux MapStats: Stats and Counter for BixandMe Bix and Fi: July 2011

31 July 2011

Big Day

Fi helped Mommy make whipped cream to go with dinner. (Yes, we frequently make waffles and bacon at night around here.)

Also, we took the side off her crib.  She is on her way to a big-girl bed!

25 July 2011

Camp Stacey

Another exciting summertime extravaganza!  Starting the party was a celebration for H's 9th!

Everyone loves chocolate cake.


There has been a LOT of swimming.

Bix and H had a surfing/wipeout competition.

I wonder who won for best wipeout?

Both girls were winners.

Flying through the air is another favorite activity at camp.

Love the flying.

Bix stayed overnight, and the girls had all kinds of good times.  McDonalds, legos, movies, more swimming, etc...

The littlest camper wanted to get in on it too.

Even though Camp Stacey continues tomorrow...I still had to pry Bix' fingers from around H.

We love it!

21 July 2011

Slip Slidin' Away

The girls are trying to stay cool in this unrelenting 100+ weather we are having.  Today we are going with the classic Slip N Slide.  Bix said, "Watch me it like this."

"Like this?"

"Like this!"

"Like this?"

"Try it this way."

"Oh, I get it now!"

"Seriously, Fi?"


The best way to do it...together.

19 July 2011

Happy Birthday to Daddy

The cake that the girls were so excited about was of course Daddy's birthday cake.

Bix got out the party hats.

No hesitation to get eating.

But I think Fi enjoyed it a little bit more.

Bix was proud of the iTunes card she picked out for Daddy.

Bix decided we needed "Birthday" hats.

We got Fi cleaned up, then she decided she wanted more cake.

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!  You make all of our days sweeter.

18 July 2011

Pippi Longstocking

We had two of them today.

Don't know exactly what started Bix' desire for this hairstyle today, but she was totally loving it.

Of course we know why Fi wanted them...Bix did.

The girls were dancing, serving tea, singing,

Jumping and having a grand time in Bix' room

Until Mommy said, "cake."  Never seen them move so fast.

14 July 2011

More From VBX

Here are some more shots of the fun Bix had at "Cosmic City".

Singing and dancing are great, but Bix' favorite part...

 Her friends!

Fi is getting in the act too.  She knows "Nothing's Impossible", and she remembers seeing the gecko.

12 July 2011

More From the Lake in July

Bix and Fi play under the house and have a lot of fun.  On this day they had a great time pretending the dirt and rocks were "pixie dust".

 There is always plenty of good eating at Grandma and Poppo's.

Lots of fun around the table.

Always swimming.

This year Bix was much better at tubing, and enjoyed it a lot more.

Unfortunately Fi had a fever, and didn't enjoy that day quite as much.

Poppo's boat is always a good time.

Bix is getting better at driving.

But sometimes her sea-legs fail her.

Fi spent a lot of her free time carrying around this 10-pound exercise ball.  "Heaby!"

Quality time reading with Grandma.

Lounging in front of the TV eating breakfast is a lake treat. (and already a bit of a tradition)

Both girls got a kick out of sitting so close to each other in the truck.

One of the highlights of our trip was getting to see our dear friends Sara Lee and Furgie.  The girls had a blast "tickle-fighting" Mr. Furg.

"Get him!"

New best friends.

We were sad to leave, but the girls had a plane ride to look forward to, and we were all excited to see Daddy.