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27 December 2012

Christmas Wishes

Lots of ours came true this year.  Bix wished for snow on Christmas.  (She told me she prayed to God to give Jesus snow for His birthday)

Auntie B got her fun with Silly String moment.  (I don't think she envisioned so much of it would be on her though)

 All four grandkids...enough said for Grandma and Poppo.

 Bix asked Santa for a knitting set.  Score!

The Hello Kitty bubblegum machine that Fi has been talking about for weeks.

Bix didn't know how much she wanted a LeapPad.  (Good thing CiCi did)

Health, happiness, and family.  We all got what we wanted for Christmas.  Did you?

1 comment:

Auntie B said...

Such a fun Christmas! We love you!