Some days we could swear that she has the bluest of eyes, the next they are green, wait...what is that you say? You have seen them and they are wait 10 minutes...they are brown.
Since both her father and I are colorblind (rare for me, but yes it's true) we need your opinion.
This is the most recent/best photo we have of her eye color. Please take a minute and post a reply to what you think. We will tally the votes and let y'all know at the end of the week.
Blue-gray. That is my vote!
they are definitely more blue than green in this pic!
I must abstain, since I too am colorblind....
Today they were more yellowy/green/bluish - so my vote doesn't count because I can't decide. Stacey
They are definitely blue/gray in the pic but this past week, they looked somewhat green. CiCi
They look blue gray in this picture by may change as she gets older - A. Penne
They are blue-gray most of the time. I have never seen them look brown. She's beautiful!
Seriously, they never look brown. The only people that think that are you and Keith and we all know that your color interpretations are skewed.
Definitely blue-gray!:)
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